Nus constitution pdf original

Participants of the constitutionmaking in 21st century asia workshop. Featuring 100 milestone documents of american history from the national archives. Rhode island had ratified the constitution may 29, 1790. Power to make laws, elect officers, define their powers and duties, impose fines, and assess taxes. This site offers free, printable versions of the founding documents of our republic, including the u. Constitution of the republic of singapore original enactment.

To be the driving force in establishing nus business school as a worldrenowned institution with a dynamic, vibrant and close knit. Read the constitution continued 2 each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. The colleges constitution is in effect a document known as the. National union of students incorporated in this constitution, nus. The constitution full text the national constitution. The congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of.

Union home minister amit shah moved two bills and two resolutions. Numbers three through twelve were adopted by the states to become the united states u. Surely, any document as important as this demanded the approval of the people it governed. It sets up a federal system by dividing powers between the national. S 163 9th august 1965 part i preliminary citation 1.

The official place of business of the club shall be the national university of singapore. Highresolution pdfs of constitution of the united states 1787. The nususi constitution shall include appropriate criteria for membership as well. Carry copies of the entire constitution as a handy foldable booklet, or refer to one article or amendment at a time. The constitution of the united states preamble we the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do. Included in the pack is a guide to students union constitutions and a model document, containing both articles and. Vermont, in convention, ratified the constitution january 10, 1791, and was, by an act of congress approved february 18, 1791, received and admitted into this union as a new and entire member of the united states. We offer the most extensive selection of academic programmes in singapore, collaborating with leading universities worldwide to provide our students with diverse opportunities for overseas exposure. The bill of rights on september 25, 1789, congress transmitted to the state legislatures twelve proposed amendments to the constitution. The constitution ntu graduate students association. National union of students incorporated constitution 2017. United states of americas constitution of 1789 with. Singapores constitution of 1959 with amendments through 2010. The constitution of the state of new york as revised, with amendments adopted by the constitutional convention of 1938 and approved by vote of the people on november 8, 1938 and amendments subsequently adopted by the legislature and approved by vote of the people.

The effort to reproduce the nugs constitution was done purely out of concern. The constitution provides for the structure of the government and the roles of the judiciary and the parliament. Statute c7 the national university of singapore students. New york state constitution new york department of state. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members,and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business. It also touches on the functions of the three entities, such as how laws are made in parliament or the impact of a court decision. The matrix and the us constitution the constitution of the united states was written in secret by the founding fathers and was never presented to the colonists for a vote. The constitution of the united states national archives.

S 163 1985 revisededition 1999revised edition 17 of 1993 5 of 1994 17 of 1994 7 of 1995 41 of 1996 1 of 1997 11 of 1998 36 of 1998 2 of 2001 32 of 2001 24 of 2002 12 of 2004 31 of 2007 31 of 2007 27 of 2008 9th august 1965 part i. Electing officers to run the union once a constitution has been agreed, you will need to hold elections for the posts it has been decided to have. This primer seeks to provide an easy guide to those interested in. Rotunda for the charters of freedom back to visit the rotunda for the charters of freedom, located on the upper level of the national archives museum, is the permanent home of the original declaration of independence, constitution of the united states, and bill of rights. These topic pages provide a quick overview and easy access to all content that can be found on ace for any give topic of interest weather encyclopaedia files, electoral materials, comparative data, consolidated replies, case studies, or other. The primer starts by providing an introduction to the singapore constitution and explains the meaning of the concept of separation of powers among the executive, legislature and the judiciary. Under americas first national government, the articles of confederation, the states acted together only for specific purposes.

Senior research fellow dr bui ngoc son nus law, professor andrew harding ll. Around 600 students unions are affiliated, accounting for more than 95% of all higher and further education unions in the uk. Malminderjit singh and roshni kapur what has happened. Despite it being nus policy that none of the discounts on the original free nus card would be. Amendment 12, 1 page 787 kb constitution of the united states of america. It is an attempt to help distribute the nugs constitution as much as possible to all stakeholders especially student leaders. This constitution may be cited as the constitution of the republic of singapore. Nus constitution, and which shall consist of such constituent bodies as the board of. The constitution acted like a colossal merger, uniting a group of states with different interests, laws, and cultures. By 1962, the constitution had grown to 75,000 words, which at that time was longer than any other state constitution but louisianas. A constitution, or form of government, for the state of kentucky we, the representatives of the people of the state of kentucky, in convention assembled, do ordain and establish this constitution for its government. On 5 august 2019, the indian government announced that it is seeking to dilute the special status of autonomy given to jammu and kashmir guaranteed under article 370 of the constitution of india. The national union of students of the united kingdom nus is a confederation of students unions in the united kingdom.

The constitution united its citizens as members of a whole, vesting the power of the union in the. Publish the proposed constitution well before the meeting along with a leaflet explaining how people can make amendments if they want to. Constitution, bill of rights, declaration of independence, and other rights laid out by americas founders. Subject to this article and article 8, the provisions of this constitution may be amended by a law enacted by the legislature. Amendment 11, 1 page 762 kb constitution of the united states of america.

Constitution of the republic of singapore wikisource, the. Well, it wasnt presented for a vote because the constitution wasnt created for. This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the. Constitution of the republic of singapore singapore. As amended and in force since january 1, 2015 article i bill of rights 1.

A 01837 notice of amendments to nus regulations and bylaws 16th november 2015 dear campus presidents, delegates to national conference, and nus national executive, notice is given that at the annual meeting of national conference to be held on 7 to. The part of this clause relating to the mode of apportionment. You will probably need to adapt the model to suit the particular needs of the college. The national union of students of the united kingdom nus is a confederation of students. The constitution gradually became increasingly bloated, leading to abortive efforts towards a third constitutional convention in 1897, 1914, 1919, 1930, 1934 and 1947. The united states constitution preamble we the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the. This agreement replaced the original nususi bilateral. Comparative constitutions project, and distributed on. It is advisable to have a member of staff to act as returning officer the person who coordinates the election. It gives me great pleasure to write the foreword to this primer on the singapore constitution. The club shall be a constituent body of the national university of singapore students union. A constitution is a legally binding document, which lays down the rules of the students union.

A researchintensive university with an entrepreneurial dimension, nus is ranked consistently as one of the worlds top universities. A bill seeking to amend any provision in this constitution shall not be passed by parliament. Subject to the provisions of this constitution, the executive powers of the federation. Includes images of original primary source documents, lesson plans, teacher and student competitions, and educational resources. Comparative constitutions project, and distributed on constituteproject. National union of students united kingdom wikipedia. The house of representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several. Nus model constitution for unincorporated students unions. Americas first constitution, the articles of confederation, was ratified in 1781, a time when the nation was a loose confederation of states, each operating like independent countries. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives.

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